The Super Bowl, an event that has always been a staple of Sunday evening entertainment, might soon be redefining our traditions and expectations.

For years, fans have geared up for the 6:30 p.m. E.T. kickoff, planning their day around this monumental event, but change could be on the horizon.

The reason? Roger Goodell's recent revelation about the possibility of hosting the Super Bowl in London, a move that would undeniably shift the game's dynamics.

With London's time zone difference, this would mean the game would start three hours earlier, potentially changing the entire Super Bowl experience.

Imagine a world where Super Bowl parties start in the bright light of day, where halftime shows coincide with sunsets, and final touchdowns are celebrated before nightfall.

Pro Football Talk's tweet captured the surprise and potential resistance: shifting the Super Bowl to London is more than just a change in venue; it's a change in tradition.

But it's not just about the time; it's about the sentiment. Would the NFL fan base be ready to embrace such a monumental shift in their beloved game's presentation?

Some argue that a flight to London isn't much different from an East Coast to West Coast journey, but it's not just about the distance; it's about the legacy.

The Super Bowl has always been more than just a game; it's a cultural event, a unifying moment. Would moving it to London enhance or diminish its magic?

As the world waits with bated breath, one question remains: are we ready to embrace a new era of Super Bowl, or is tradition too strong to break?