In this article, we will look at how you can control the time your child spends on the phone, as well as find out what apps they spend their time in. This instruction was written at the beginning of 2023 and is the most relevant today. You will also find out why information and the time schedule are not displayed in the digital well-being tools.
Hello everyone! I was prompted to write this article by the actions of my 11-year-old child, who recently began to spend a lot of time watching YouTube and playing stupid games. He is an excellent student, but with the dynamics of how he spends his time on games, he can slide down. So yesterday I decided to check his phone and was a little stunned because there was no data in the Digital Wellbeing menu and it felt like it was not working.
After digging through the settings and catching the child’s frightened glances all this time, I realized that he had screwed something up there )))
As a result, the problem was defeated, and now I want to share with you some interesting information, each of which we will find useful in one or another part of the article.
In this article we will examine the following questions:
- How to Limit Your Child’s Phone Time
- how to find out how long a child has been on the phone
- How to Limit Your Child’s Internet Time
- How to Monitor Your Child’s Phone
- How to control apps and games on your child’s phone
- How to set a time limit on a phone
We will start with the simplest question, namely, how can you control your child’s phone without him knowing or guessing about it.
How to Monitor Your Child’s Phone
In this article we will not consider third-party programs or services such as google family link, I want to reveal the standard functionality of any phone on the Android platform in this article, especially since it is already built into it by default (the iPhone also has it, but we will consider it a little later)
In any phone on the Android platform there is a menu in the settings – digital wellbeing and parental controls
which by default can already perform 90% of the tasks that any parent needs in order to make an analysis in which you can understand how much time the child spends on the phone and in which applications he sits, and then, depending on the requests, you can use both the built-in functionality that limits some functions on the phone and use the already supported programs to solve the tasks.
Digital Wellbeing — an official application for Android devices that allows you to track and limit the time spent on both a separate application and on the smartphone as a whole.
How to set a time limit on a child’s phone
The most unpleasant thing about the situation is that we spend so much time at work and cannot be sure that the child is not sitting on the phone during lessons or, upon coming home, is not stuck in his game until the evening and quietly deteriorates in his room.
Of course, you can take away the phone, but this will not solve the problem, the best thing I came up with is to load the child with clubs and sections, but naturally I allow the child to play on the phone but for a certain time. For this, the application will also help us digital wellbeing and parental controlswhich can very easily set a limit on the use of the application. Let’s say you can spend no more than 30 minutes a day on YouTube, and after this time the application will no longer launch.
To limit the application by time through digital wellbeing, do the following:
- Open Settings
- Go to the digital wellbeing menu
- Next we go to the section Set limits and go to the menu Toolbar
- Select the desired application
- Go into it and set the time limit in the menu application timer
- All
Yes, this is not a panacea and the child can easily change these values himself, but this will not prevent you from applying psychological measures to the child.
Why am I showing this method, it is the simplest and most standard, the main thing that we will understand is whether you have a problem with your child and his gadget or not. For more stringent restrictions on the child and applications on the phone, I can write a separate large article if there is such a request from you
Why doesn’t parental control work on my phone?
I had to write this article because my child was able to do it (as he himself did not understand) but he turned off the output of information in the application digital wellbeing and parental controls and I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t see a report of where and how long he spent on the phone during these days.
In this article I will tell you how to fix it digital wellbeing and parental controls if your child has blocked or disabled it)
- Let’s go in digital wellbeing and parental controls
- On the first settings screen, click on the three dots in the upper right corner
- and from the drop-down list select the menu item Data management
- We go to the only menu Device usage per day
- In the window that opens, go to the item Digital Wellbeing
- Once you enter, turn on the item – Access to usage history
- We have a black window appearing signaling a threat, we must check the box I am aware of the possible risks and press OK
- Now we return to the main window digital wellbeing and parental controland we see the time that was spent on the phone today and the past 10 days
- That’s all!
That’s all the instructions, I hope this article was useful to you, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments or social networks, I always answer all messages as soon as I have free time and the questions asked.
How to remove parental controls from your phone
Above in the article we learned how to enable parental control on an Android phone and now you can also disable it)