Among the frequently encountered mentions of drivers with problematic functionality on the Internet, you can often find a discussion of the driver “Prolific_USB-to-Serial_Comm_Port” with the ID “USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300”. This driver is developed by the Taiwanese company “Prolific Technology Inc”. And is designed to service the operation of “USB-To-Com” adapters running on chips manufactured by “Prolific”. In this article, I will tell you what the USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300 driver is, explain where you can download it, and how to install it correctly on your PC.
Let’s study the specified driver
USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300 driver for USB-TO-COM adapters
The driver with ID “USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300” is designed to service USB-TO-COM adapters that allow you to connect devices that work with a COM port plug to a PC. The required device is connected to such an adapter on one side via a COM port connector, and then the adapter itself is connected to the PC via USB.
USB-Com adapter
Such a device usually has one of the chips from the company “Prolific” with the coding PL2303 or a close analogue. At the same time, a number of chips “Prolific” were counterfeited by little-known Chinese manufacturers, which forced the company to release a new driver for its chips, which does not work with fake devices. At the same time, the released driver also works quite poorly with the company’s outdated chips, so “Prolific” recommends its customers to switch to chips of new versions.
One of the company’s chips is PL-2303TA
The Prolific adapter driver is designed primarily for Windows 7 and below. On more modern versions of the OS (8 or 10), the driver either does not work or works extremely unstably. Therefore, users who have chosen automatic system update from 7 to 10 after completing the update procedure (and installing the latest version of the driver) may encounter the adapter’s failure to work, accompanied by an error notification with code 10. In this case, it is recommended to roll back the driver to an older, more stable version.
Where to download USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300 for Windows
- To download the USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300 driver for Windows 7,8,10, you need to go to the device manufacturer’s website
- Select your chip number and download the corresponding driver to your PC.
- Then, if necessary, unzip it from the zip archive, run the installer and install the necessary components into the system.
An alternative to the manufacturer’s website can be various websites where you can also download the specified driver (for example,, and others). You can also use the specialized tool “DriverPack Solution” and other analogs for semi-automatic installation of drivers. But I would recommend using the website of the developer of this software to install trustworthy drivers.
Download software from the manufacturer’s website
How to install driver for Windows
To install USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300 driver on Windows 10, 8, 7, do the following:
- Disconnect the converter connected to your PC;
- Press Win+R, in the line that appears, enter appwiz.cpl and press enter;
- In the opened window for setting up and removing programs, delete the program that begins with “PL2303 USB…” (if available);
- Install the latest driver from the developer’s website into the system;
- If an exclamation mark appears next to the “Prolific_USB-to-Serial_Comm_Port” device in the Device Manager, it is quite possible that your adapter needs an old driver. In this case, hover the cursor over this device, right-click and select “Update drivers”;
- In the menu that appears, select the option to search for drivers on this PC;
- Then we activate the option to select a driver from the list of already installed drivers;
- Among the presented options, select “Prolific_USB-to-Serial_Comm_Port” from 2007 or another optimal one (the driver must be up to version 3.4);
Select driver version
- This procedure will allow you to run the USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300 driver on your PC.
The USBVID_067B&PID_2303&REV_0300 driver is responsible for the working functionality of the USB-TO-COM adapter, which allows you to connect devices with a COM port plug to a standard PC. If the latest driver for this device does not work correctly, it is recommended to install an older driver for the device, for example, version, which does not have any problems with functionality